Dr Miles Bogle is a GP with a special interest in Cancer, he knows that early detection and treatment is essential and encourages patients to talk to their doctor.
Detecting cancer at an early stage is incredibly important, as it means the cancer is far more likely to be treated successfully!
There are therefore a number of things that we can do to help this firstly it is important to attend screening appointments when invited, these are; Cervical Screening (age 25-64), Breast Screening (age 50-70) and to return Bowel Screening test kits which are sent by post (every 2 years from age 56-74, which in future will include all people aged 50-74).
Secondly if you have concerning symptoms or are worried you may have cancer it is important that you discuss this with your GP or other health care professional at your GP Surgery. For more information about signs and symptoms of cancer please look at the below infographic from Cancer research.
These are some of the key signs and symptoms of cancer. But if something’s unusual for you, it’s best to tell your doctor – even if it’s not on this list.
This link gives lots of useful information:
More information and videos to support you: