Medicus Patient Participation Group
Medicus Health Partners
A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of patients, carers and GP practice staff who meet to discuss practice issues and patient experience to help improve the service we provide. They act as the patient voice and are an important part of the Partnership community.
Since April 2015, it has been a contractual requirement of NHS England for all GP practices to have a PPG and to make reasonable efforts for this to be representative of the practice population.
They are a route for patients to advise and inform the Partnership on what matters most to patients and to help identify solutions to problems. Members of PPGs think about the wider patient interest and can bring issues to the attention of the Partners and other staff who attend and support meetings when serving on the PPG.

Medicus Health Partners has invited the local representatives to take a place on the Partnership PPG so they can support the wider group, discuss issues and changes that effect all locations within the Partnership and bring news, updates back to their members and take local ideas/issues back for consideration/discussion by all PPG groups within Medicus Health Partners.
Partnership PPG Meetings are held quarterly, the next one is scheduled for June 2022, minutes and FAQ’s will be published on this page as the meetings take place. Also, projects in which the PPG take part or promote will be detailed with results and outcomes.
Message from PPG Chair
“Welcome to our PPG Page. Communication is so important, I am delighted we are now able to publish a newsletter to keep patients updated, provide helpful information, capture and address topics to support better health education and support for all MHP Patients. I hope you will enjoy reading about how things are progressing and seeing the exciting next steps.
Your views and comments are valuable to help shape the future, we would be pleased to hear from patients with ideas and constructive service reviews so the PPG can work alongside MHP to enhance healthcare delivery.
Please take care of yourselves and your loved ones. I know that we’re going to get through this, and I hope the end is now firmly in sight.
Stay safe and well.
Janice Downing
PPG Chair
Please fill this form and one of our PPG members will reach out to you
You may also collect a manual form from your registered branch surgery